Good understanding will save you both time and money

Any industry or institution that has low entry requirements is great breeding ground for fraudsters. In fact, anything on the earth that has easy or simple entry rules has the amazing innate characteristic of attracting abuse and fraudsters.

Areas that are open to abuse and fraud

Examples of areas that are open to abuse abound.

There is a reason why there are so many irresponsible parents around. Becoming a parent has very low entry requirements. You only need to be born with the right anatomical equipment. And then after owning it for a minimum of fifteen years, in partnership with another, put it to use with little thought beyond immediate pleasure and viola! Male or female, you are now a parent! Easy, isn’t it?

There is a reason why there are conmen galore in church pews. It doesn’t take much to fit in and be accepted in a church environment. All you need to do is go to a church, especially a Pentecostal one, learn the lingua (Praise God my sister, my brother) and befriend the leadership (Pastor God bless you for all the wonderful things you are doing in our midst). In those easy steps you are one of the flock. So the system attracts both the sincere and the fraudsters.

We are now required to register our mobile phones to curb rising abuse of the mobile phone. Since getting a mobile phone has such low entry requirements abusers of the system find a safe landing there.

The internet too gives very good landing for fraudsters. All you need is a machine connected to the internet and the ability to read and boom! It too is a system that happily shelters fraudsters.

Getting a job too has very easy entry requirements and that too has many fraudsters. There are two kinds of fraudsters in the job world; the ones who pretend to get you a job and the ones who get a job to defraud the employer getting a salary for nothing.

Easy entry requirements do not make a thing evil

Easy entry requirements do not make something good or bad. That a system is open to abuse does not make it wrong or evil.

There is certainly nothing nobler than responsible parenting. That numerous parents are abusing the natural honour placed on parents does not make becoming a parent wrong.

I can testify that there is a lot of good that can come out of genuine participation in the whole practice of Christianity. That there are fraudsters in their numbers in churches does not make the practice of Christianity bad, evil or wrong.

It is impossible to say how many lives have been saved, how much good money has been made, and how many destinies have been positively turned around all on account of the little gadget called the mobile phone. They certainly run into their millions.

There is numerous good that has come through the internet. One that I personally value superiorly is the ability to interact with great minds from the comfort of my home. Ten years ago, if I wanted to interact with the same great minds I would have needed to be a multi-millionaire first, and then travel to where they are.

Today, with a few choice words on a search engine, I can find a great book, and with even fewer clicks have it in my possession within 48 hours. Most of these are books that I would never have gotten on our bookshelves in years. Through the internet I am able to maximise my potential through right information. The internet is a source of immense power if you know what you want from it.

In the same way there are thousands of honest service providers who are congregated around job search. That there are some fraudsters does not make job service providers evil. That there are employees who are only out to fleece the employer does not automatically demonise all employees.

So how do you protect yourself from fraudsters?

Fraud protection measures

The first thing you need to increase on is knowledge. Your knowledge of a thing, an industry, or a system is the natural way to avoid fraudsters. Anywhere where fraudsters thrive, they prey on people’s ignorance or lack of knowledge.

If you are unaware of the way things work correctly, then you are open game for fraudsters. Make it your business to be familiar with the way things that are of value to you work. Do not live on auto-pilot. It opens you up to lie-mongers too easily.

The second thing is to look out for the offer that you are being given. I am a strong advocate against meaningless sentences that lump all things into one container. One such sentence that I am strongly against is ‘if the deal is too good, think twice.’

First, if you are an individual who cares about your money then getting a good deal is in no way a bad thing. Secondly, a deal that is ‘too good’ is a vague statement and you cannot make good judgement based on a vague statement.

Why is that statement vague? It is vague unless we are clear by whose standards we are judging the goodness of the deal. There are people, who do not expect good on the earth, and Kenya has an awful lot of pessimists, and to those all deals are too good.

So that statement lends itself to too many definitions to be a good rule of thumb. It also, and this is where I have a real problem, develops a nation full of fear than a nation of confident individuals.

However, if you fall back on the first rule and you have reasonable information, then you are able to judge intelligently what is good for you and what is ‘too good’ and therefore likely to be a con.

When you have good understanding of how what you seek works, you can easily escape scams and this saves you considerable time and money. Go first after good understanding.

Further Reading

Is it possible to get a job only through your personal contacts? Yes!

You can get the complete guide on this con-free job finding skill from the Quick Read ‘How to quickly find a job in Kenya; the complete road-map’

In its pages I give you the complete step by step plan to quickly find a job in Kenya in a stress free way.

But why read an ebook when you could be browsing jobs?

Good question.

To get an answer, click here.

Pata mawaidha!

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